The formation of а system for protection of children's rights: the USSR and modern Russia

  • Evgeniya V. Pavlуuk

    Evgeniya V. Pavlyuk. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The protection of children's rights in the modern world, as in Russia, is one of the most important, basic factors of economic, social and cultural development. The article constructs the rights of children as a social institution related to the multifunctional nature of the modern child. Methods of analysis of primary sources of information, systematization, induction, deduction, comparative descriptive are used. In the course
of the study, the theoretical aspects of the formation of the institute for the protection of children's rights in the USSR were considered, a historical and legal analysis was carried out, the prerequisites and factors that formed the modern development of policy in the field of the protection of children's rights were determined. The analysis of legal norms showed continuity between late Soviet practice and modern approaches of the authorities to counteract the interests of both sides of children and parents.
Keywords: children's rights, minors' rights, protection of children's rights, policy of protection of minors' rights.